30s Animation: The Revenge / 2015
Client / An Assignment for the Rich Media Class 1
New Media Production and Design at SAIT Polytechnic
Story, Design, Animation / Liam Yoo
Used Tool / Autodesk 3D Studio Max, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect,
Maxon Cinema 4D, Adoebe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition
Music, Sound / “SFXsource.com-draw-sword-sound-effect.mp3” by “SFXSource Sound Effects”, used under a CC-BY 3.0.
“Sword Combat Raw Export” by “Paul Kasinski”, used under a CC-BY 3.0.
“Demo of the effects included in Kollum – scary monster voice – sample pack” by “LeeVaudio”, used under a CC-BY 3.0.
“Samurai Battle” – Japan by willians-andral-contreras, used under a CC-BY 3.0.