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Example of tileable normal maps

How to Create 3D Tileable Normal Maps

Tutorial by Liam Yoo

How to Create 3D Tileable Normal Maps

Purpose of This Tutorial

There are three main goals in this tutorial:

☑ Creating 3D tileable normal maps to represent highly detailed surfaces with much lighter resources.

☑ Understanding advantages of using multiple graphic tools and learning how to use them effectively.

☑ Recognizing difficulties of normal map texture mapping and training how to overcome it.

Icon images of Quixel Suite 2

Required Skills and Knowledge

An icon of effective tools
Effective Mapping Tools
An icon of tileable normal maps
Tileable Normal Maps
An icon of how to apply normal maps
Applying Normal Maps

Step 1: Draw shapes of the tileable map using Photoshop.

A shape of the texture map

⚬ Create new file with 1024 x 1024 pixels in the Photoshop.

⚬ Create new layer.

⚬ Draw shapes of the tileable map: colour is not important in this step.

An image about offset filter A An image about offset filter B An image about offset filter C An example of offset usage The result of the shape drawing

⚬ Use Filter-other-offset to create the tileable shape.

Step 2: Use NDO to convert from shapes to a 3D normal map.

The first normal map

a logo image of NDO

⚬ Before you work on this step, please learn how to use NDO here.

⚬ Create two normal maps using the shape.

Strong normal map Regular normal map
Strong normal + Regular Normal
Combined normal map

⚬ Strong Normal ⇨ Regular Normal ⇨ Overlay

⚬ Go to the channel tab, and invert Green Channel.

Tips: The normal vector is encoded as Red:128, Green:128, Blue:255.

Step 3: Use NDO to convert the normal map to a displacement map.

A height map

a logo image of NDO

⚬ Go to the top right corner of the NDO window.

⚬ Open the dropdown menu and select Map Converter.

An image of map converter An image of map converter
Map Converter ⇨ Normal ⇨ Height ⇨ File

⚬ Convert the normal map to a displacement map.

A normal map image A displacement map image
Normal Map and Displacement(Height) Map

⚬ Save the displacement map as a jpg file.

Step 4: Sculpt detail of the mesh on ZBrush.

3D modelling from the height map

a logo image of ZBrush

⚬ You can learn basic sculpting skills of ZBrush here.

⚬ Import the displacement file in the Alpha Brush panel.

A image of ZBrush alpha brush

⚬ Choose Plane3D in the current toolbox, click Make Polymesh 3D button and subdivide mesh.

A image of plane 3D

⚬ Click MaskingMask By Alpha, set Z Offset to -3 in the Deformation panel.

A image of the M

⚬ Sculpt using ZBrush.

The result of 3D modelling The result of the normal map

⚬ Choose the Normal RGB Mat to export the normal map to Photoshop.

Step 5: Create a diffuse map and check the result.

The result of the 3D texture

a logo image of DDO

⚬ You can learn how to use DDO and 3DO here.

⚬ Create a diffuse map using DDO.

The result of the diffuse map The result of the normal map

⚬ Apply diffuse and normal maps in 3DO.

The final result

⚬ Check the final result!

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